Why videos go viral?

Some videos on the internet take over the world while others barely get any views so why do specific videos go viral?

Some say the success of a viral video depends on its ability to capture the attention of a large audience and elicit strong emotional responses. Videos that evoke universal emotions relate to current events or unique and Innovative are more likely to resonate with a broad audience and be shared widely. Additionally videos offering something new original or unexpected can stand out from the crowd and become viral.


I can show you a much easier way to understand why videos go viral?

Videos depicting ordinary events with predictable outcomes are unlikely to go viral. Instead videos that add interesting twists to day-to-day life events have better chances of going viral.  However even videos with known outcomes can still become popular if they offer an extraordinary or Out-of-This World Experience.

Certain events or videos can become viral due to their unexpected or extraordinary nature so Viral video examples, such as a nurse’s emotional response when a wheelchair-bound patient starts walking. Or a pilot safely landing a plane on a hotel helipad or a fake video of an ape holding an AK-47. These types of videos capture people’s attention and Imagination leading to their widespread sharing and popularity.

The key to making a video go viral is to make it unique, extraordinary and surprising enough to evoke strong emotions such as laughter, awe, surprise or inspiration. I hope you like the quad compass and the simple technique behind viral videos.

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