Why specific individuals are more successful than others?

Successful individuals are easy to spot. They are confident, assertive, and energetic; however, we also come across individuals who may not be the brightest in class,  intelligent, disciplined, better looking, or have a better personality but are more successful.

Generally speaking, a successful person is someone who has achieved their goals and has accomplished what they set out to do. However, it is essential to remember that success means different things to different people, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of success. Success can be measured in various ways, such as wealth, fame, status, power, or personal fulfillment. For example, some people consider a person who has achieved financial independence to be successful. In contrast, others may value someone significantly contributing to their community or society.

There could be several factors making someone successful. What could be the most crucial attribute that makes someone more successful than others? 

To be successful, one might say a person should be goal-oriented, self-motivated, creative, assertive in communication, know how to manage time, adapt to changing circumstances, and have the required skills. However, almost all agree that a positive mindset could take you miles ahead in the search for success.

Is that good enough to be more successful?

To be successful in business, you need an army of people with legal, finance, regulatory, technology, and business skills. To make a world-class product, you need raw material suppliers,  logistics providers, quality manufacturing facilities, distributors, retailers, and, most importantly, customers. You need a good coach, training facility, competitive analysts, business advisors, and medical expertise to succeed in sports. To be a great performing artist or film star, you need a good manager, great publicists, dress designers, makeup artists, hairdressers, and fitness trainers. Imagine your life without support from your spouse, parents, friends, and relatives.

Being successful is not a solo act. Several individuals, companies, and communities contribute to your success. In short, your success is directly correlated to the size of your network. The more meaningful connections you make, the more opportunities you may have, which further elevates the chance of you being successful.

If you are pessimistic about your work and mostly like to work in a silo, you will face extreme distress and may stumble from multiple failures. If you struggle with jealousy towards others’ work, difficulty maintaining friendships, and a generally negative attitude, it’s important to work diligently to shift your mindset to prevent negative consequences.

On the other hand, if you have a strong network of supportive people and cannot utilize those connections, you may be considered one of the most unfortunate and unlucky individuals.

If you have a positive mindset and the required skills of the trade, but your network is weak, chances are you will continue to struggle. However, eventually, you’ll win once you master the art of building connections and growing your network.

Maintaining friendships and a solid social network is essential for personal and professional growth and well-being. Investing time and effort into nurturing these relationships and building new ones is crucial, as they can provide valuable benefits throughout one’s life. As the Godfather said,

“Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than the government. It is almost equal to family.”

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