Is it possible to have machines smarter than human brain?

In last 5 years, technology has gone through tremendous changes. The pace of innovation across the board has doubled or tripled. Artificial Intelligence is no more restricted to few selected universities. Information is now widely available for everyone to consume. However, the supercomputers built so far are still slower than our brain. In 2013, few Japanese scientist tried to mimic brain activity. It took them 40 minutes to complete 1-second brain simulation with more than whopping 82,000 processors.  What is stopping us from making machines smarter than our brain? Would supercomputers be able to surpass brain?

The simple answer is ‘YES’. It’s just a matter of time …

One of the biggest hurdles that we have today is power consumption. Fastest supercomputer Tianhe-2 (2016) requires power enough to light 900,000 20w bulbs. Whereas our brain requires just about 20w power to function.

We should be able to make smaller, faster and literally cool computers. Only if we can reduce the power consumption.

Our computers are essentially series of tiny switches. On switch opens up the gate and off switch closes the gate. Making these switches go on or off require power. Making billions of these switches go on or off requires a huge amount of power.  How about if we open and close the gates without making the switch go on or off?

Is this really possible?

This is exactly what scientist are trying to build.